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Articles tagged with: smart home

Bring Balance To Your Living Spaces With A Home Automation System

Smart Technologies Create A Home That Responds To You

Bring Balance To Your Living Spaces With A Home Automation System

The installation of a home automation system offers many luxuries that make your life in your home more convenient and comfortable. With a simple swipe, you can create the perfect environment or access a world of entertainment available throughout the house. While smart technologies enhance your lifestyle, it also improves the way you live.   

Our homes are the one place where we feel most comfortable, free to be who we truly are. Every aspect of your rooms should work to inspire, invigorate, and make you feel safe and secure. As our living spaces become central to our work and play, incorporating technologies that help bring balance is essential. 

Is your interest piqued by the possibilities in your Atlanta, GA, home? Continue reading below to discover the benefits. 

TAGS: Home Automation Installation | Smart Home

Installing a Smart Home System: Breaking Down the Price

Understand How to Budget for a Smart Home Before Installation

Installing a Smart Home System: Breaking Down the Price

Today’s technology works to make your life easier and more convenient. Devices like smartphones, smartwatches, and smart TVs make daily tasks easier. Smart homes automate your home life, protecting you and giving you complete control over your home. A smart home system can control things like your lights, shades, security, temperature, and more through elegant keypads and dedicated touchpads. But, if you’re considering turning your Atlanta, GA home into a smart home, you probably wonder how much a smart home system costs.

TAGS: Home Automation | professional installation | Smart Home

Elevate Your Living Spaces With A Home Sound Installation

Meet the Desires of the Modern Client with Environments That Inspire, Motivate, and Soothe

Elevate Your Living Spaces With A Home Sound Installation

According to the latest statistics, the demand for homes remains strong and is expected to experience continuing growth. While many homebuyers seek more space, independence, and a sense of solace, they are also looking for systems that cater to their needs and desires. 

An essential component of a smart home is the way it makes someone feel, from using tunable lighting to affect emotion and well-being to maintaining the perfect temperature and humidity. What is often overlooked is the power of music to influence the mood, happiness, and productivity of the people living in a house. Your clients expect more and are willing to pay a premium for a home sound installation that gives them comfort and motivation. 

Are you intrigued by the possibilities for your Atlanta, GA, projects? Continue reading below to discover how we help you provide what your clients demand. 

TAGS: High-End Audio | Home Sound Installation | Home Theater | Multi-room Audio | Smart Home

A Home Theater Installation Brings The Cinematic Experience To You

See How Advanced Surround Sound Elevates Your Connection to Music and Movies

A Home Theater Installation Brings The Cinematic Experience To You

Music and movies shape our culture, expose us to new ideas, stir our emotions, and distract us from the stresses of everyday life. It is a universal medium; the allure of losing oneself in the storyline on-screen translates into any language. 

Whether you are drawn to watching intense action sequences or enjoy the drama of Hollywood's golden age, a good deal of the derived pleasure comes from absorbing the immersive moments.

Sound is a critical film component in a home theater installation design. Without the audio element, a film loses its powerful sway, and the images on the screen become lackluster and pale. Surround sound with Dolby Atmos changes how audio influences you and how you hear. 

Are you curious about the possibilities of surround sound in Brookhaven, GA, smart home? Continue reading below to discover more. 

TAGS: Home Theater Installation | Smart Home