Bring Balance To Your Living Spaces With A Home Automation System
Smart Technologies Create A Home That Responds To You

The installation of a home automation system offers many luxuries that make your life in your home more convenient and comfortable. With a simple swipe, you can create the perfect environment or access a world of entertainment available throughout the house. While smart technologies enhance your lifestyle, it also improves the way you live.
Our homes are the one place where we feel most comfortable, free to be who we truly are. Every aspect of your rooms should work to inspire, invigorate, and make you feel safe and secure. As our living spaces become central to our work and play, incorporating technologies that help bring balance is essential.
Is your interest piqued by the possibilities in your Atlanta, GA, home? Continue reading below to discover the benefits.
See Also: Installing A Smart Home System: Breaking Down The Price
Lighting Focused On You
The light in your home goes beyond the utilitarian purpose of guiding through dark hallways; it alters your focus, physical energy, and emotional connection to everything around you. Human biology is tied to the sun’s daily rise and fall, dictating the advance of culture, innovation, and overall wellness. You become sluggish and uninspired when you are constantly exposed to fixtures that generate harsh and unwelcoming illumination that steals your decor’s vibrancy.
Human-centric lighting is designed to complement the natural light around us, promoting a more balanced day and helping you develop deeper sleep patterns. Sophisticated controllers and LED bulbs emulate your innate circadian rhythms, starting the day with soft hues that stir you gently. Then, as the day progresses, the light becomes more intense, adding vitality to the day. Finally, as the evening approaches, the illumination transitions to warmer colors that create an ambiance and signal your brain to prepare for sleep.
Environmental Management
A modern home is no longer a place that entirely isolates you from the outside. Rather than building walls that enclose you, architects have embraced Biophilic elements. The concept seeks to bring more of the natural world into homes using daylighting techniques with windows as walls and opening spaces directly onto your property.
You likely chose, in part, to build and live here because of the beautiful landscapes and rolling vistas the area provides. Unfortunately, having windows that produce an unfettered view and the sun streaming in can create unwanted heat and glare. This byproduct of light in Georgia can cause a room to become stuffy and overheated if not managed. To avoid making your home uncomfortable, motorized shades tied to sensors or elegant interfaces the units raise or lower, allowing just the right amount of light.
Automated thermostats maintain a consistent temperature in your home by tracking the heat, humidity, the number of people, and outside conditions. Each detected change results in micro-actions that maintain the perfect settings for you, making dramatic changes as you walk from room to room a thing of the past.
Build A Better Home
Are you curious about a home that promotes healthy and vital living benefits for you and your family? Call us today at 404-236-0007 or fill out our contact form to set up a consultation or to visit our showroom. We look forward to working with you!