Introducing The Smarter Home Voice Control System Makes Home Automation Easier and Fun

In 2001: A Space Odyssey, the spaceship computer HAL 9000 responded to a command saying, "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave." While Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, and Google's Assistant are much more innovative and powerful voice control systems than what Arthur C. Clarke could have imagined in his famous novel, they frustrate users often with variations of this answer. Why? They need to do many things, not just home automation, and they don’t always get what you mean.
Introducing, a voice control system designed exclusively for managing a smart home. Josh doesn’t answer math questions, tell you jokes, or find the age of a movie star for you. What it does do is let you speak to it naturally, understand context, and let you take command of your smart home by voice like never before. Read on to see how to take your smart home system in Brookhaven, GA, to the next level with
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Josh Gets You
The frustrating part of today's home assistants is not understanding or correctly executing your commands. Unlike HAL 9000, no malice is intended, but they sometimes don't understand. The main issue has to do with needing to use specific device names like "bedside lamp." The other has to do with these systems having a limited sense of context. In contrast, understands context and location, and its focus on home automation lets it better comprehend what you want to do. When you say in your bedroom, "close the shades in 5 minutes,” it understands that you mean the bedroom and not the living room.
Like a personal assistant, Josh can follow along and do more than one trick at a time. A compound command like “dim the lights by half, turn the temperature two degrees cooler, and start Stranger Things on Netflix”can all be done in one breath. No programming is required, and you don’t have to pick up your phone and start an app.
Elegant App Control
Sometimes you do want app control, and delivers there as well. The app offers even more customization of your smart home experience. The app is organized by rooms, and it can manage multiple properties too. One of the most powerful features is profiles, where you can set up privileges for kids, friends, and guests to use certain features but retain control of others for primary users. In your home's guest suite or guest house, your guest could have the same intuitive voice control over the AV, lights, temperature, and more, but not be able to access any other parts you don't permit.
Streamlined Hardware is not about smart speakers; it is a smart system with some diminutive and stylish microphones. The Josh Micro fits in the palm of your hand and includes an array of far-field microphones that can listen for your command from across a large room. Embedded sensors give it room awareness, so you can say "turn on the lights," and it knows which room. The Micro can sit inconspicuously on a tabletop or be mounted unobtrusively on the wall. A new addition, the Josh Nano, is joining the Micro for even more discreet installation. Only slightly larger than a quarter, it mounts easily on any wall or ceiling and puts the intelligent electronics in the Josh Core, which lives in a rack along with the rest of your smart home system units. With Josh Nano, you can have microphones for voice control everywhere. systems tie into your existing home audio setup for uniform system response.
Seamless Management is designed to work with smart home systems like Control4, letting you leverage the power of a comprehensive home automation system that lets you manage thousands of devices with just your voice. adds a layer of intuitive voice control to Control4 OS 3 systems that orchestrate smart features like media and AV, lighting, motorized shading, climate control, security, and more. Managing your smart home could not be easier.
Let Sunbelt Technology show you the power and ease of today’s smart home systems. Call us today at (404) 236-0007 or reach out on our online contact page. We look forward to working with you.
- Tags: Home Automation | Smart Home Control