Why You Need Professional Cabling Installation for Your Business
Get Future-Proof with the Right Infrastructure

We may think it's a wireless world, but if you run a business, you know wires are needed to support all of that wireless capability. Cabling is a vital infrastructure for any enterprise. Whether the wiring supports your office network, a security camera system, the connections to your point of sale system, or anything else, wiring is crucial for all the connections your operations need.
That said, you might be surprised by how little attention some businesses pay to this vital aspect – until they run into a problem. The correct cabling installation is critical to keeping your operations connected and meet the increasing network demands of your growing business in Atlanta, GA.
As commercial technology professionals, Sunbelt Technology understands the importance of the right underlying infrastructure for your systems. Keep reading to see how you can ensure your cabling capacity stays in tune with your business needs.
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Structured Cabling
Structured cabling is a method of organizing wires and cables in a clean way to ensure you can add capability, maintain optimal data flows, and troubleshoot problems efficiently. Instead of a rat’s nest of disorganized and unlabeled wiring in a central closet, you have a central system and a series of trunks and patch panels. The patch panels allow for easy connection and disconnections of connected systems, computers, and devices in an organized fashion. Patch panels can be connected via higher speed trunk lines to the central cabling point where the outside data connections come into the building.
Why Use It?
Structured cabling systems let you quickly expand the capacity of your system. If you have to move to another location or floor of a building, it's much easier to reinstall a structured system at the new site. Structured systems avoid making connection errors and can also reduce power requirements for cooling and switches. With a structured approach, you can prioritize the data rates and capacity you need for each of your systems.
Why Go with Professional Cabling Installation?
Unless you are in the technology sector, chances are your business focus is not on cabling infrastructure. An expert like Sunbelt Technology can assess your needs, design the network, install the equipment, and help maintain and expand the system as necessary. For example, say you are upgrading the automation and video conferencing in your boardroom. We can wire the room for microphones, speakers, video data, and control mechanisms, and install the structured cabling system that supports it all.
Along with the cabling may come new requirements for increasing network capacity and the wiring for routing audio and video feeds to all the places you want them. A structured cabling plan with professional installation makes it easier and faster to get the job done.
Get the right cabling installation that supports your business. Call us today at (404) 236-0007, visit our showroom, or reach out on our online contact page. We look forward to working with you.