Personalize Your New Home with Lutron Lighting
Building a New Home with Customized Lutron Lighting

You may have heard the phrase "seeing things in a different light." The reality is, light has a significant impact on how you see things. A piece of art may take on a whole new meaning in the perfect light. A photograph can go from merely a picture to capturing a moment just from using the right light.
Your home can be the same way. When building a new home, chances are you will invest heavily in customizing it with the features you want that fit your lifestyle. You should consider lighting as one of those investments. Like that photograph or piece of art, the right lighting enhances your home's beauty. Beyond that, it also adds to your comfort and - with the latest technology - even your wellness.
Sunbelt Technology works with Lutron for lighting control solutions. Lutron is a lighting pioneer in both residential and commercial lighting control and offers the broadest range of solutions in the industry.
Read on to learn how to customize your new Atlanta, GA home with Lutron lighting control.
SEE ALSO: Illuminate Your Home Beautifully with Lighting Control
Set the Scene or a Mood
We intuitively understand the power of lighting to set a scene. Candlelight can set a relaxing or romantic mood. Lutron lighting can help set the stage for any home activity. Equip your new home with a Lutron smart lighting system like RadioRA 2 or Homeworks QS, and you can enjoy the ability to precisely dial in your lighting to your lifestyle.
Preset scenes can help you through the day by matching lighting to the time of day and activity. A “Good Morning” scene can softly fade up bedroom lights to gently ease you awake. Your kitchen coffee area can be lit to guide you to your first cup. A “Cooking” scene later in the day illuminates the kitchen brightly in all the key areas to facilitate meal preparation. A “Watch TV” setting can dim the lights appropriately in the family room for optimal viewing, with strategic lighting in the kitchen and hallways to light paths.
Easy Customization and Configuration
Lutron lighting systems also have other important advantages. Wireless smart lighting technology lets you place wall-mounted keypads where they are most convenient for you, and the wide range of styles and colors will complement your new home’s style. Scenes can be reprogrammed easily, and they can be triggered by time schedules, your location (arriving or leaving home), and even motion detectors. Also, Lutron fixtures and control systems separate control from the physical connections to lighting. In other words, you can regroup lights in various areas of your home into different scenes and sequences without physical rewiring or configuration.
Human-Centric Lighting
What is human-centric lighting? It is an application of science aimed at benefiting the biological or emotional health and wellbeing of people. In lighting, it is achieved by adjusting both the intensity and color temperature of electric light sources to mimic the levels of sunlight throughout the day and evening.
According to the EPA, the average American spends more than 90 percent of their time indoors. That lack of time in natural light can disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm or internal clock, which can negatively affect sleep patterns and energy levels.
Lutron Ketra tunable lighting is the latest technology that enables artificial light to emulate natural light patterns. With tunable lighting, you can fill your new home’s spaces with a highly customizable palette of white and color lighting. Fine-tune any room’s light with dimming control so precise it can even simulate a candle’s flame. Adjust your home’s light with more intense, whiter light during the day to stimulate energy, and gradually dim to warmer tones in the evening to enable relaxation and prepare the body for rest and sleep.
With Lutron lighting, not only will your home look beautiful, its lighting can even be beneficial to your health. Let Sunbelt Technology show you all the benefits of Lutron lighting for your new home. Visit our Atlanta showroom, call us today at (404) 236-0007 or reach out at our online contact page. We look forward to serving you.