3 Ways to Make Your Commercial Properties Stand Out
How Smart Home Systems Attract Tenants and Guests

As a building owner, property manager, or developer, you look for ways to make your properties stand out and gain a competitive edge. In rental units, building amenities and trendy modern finishes play a role. In hotels, amenities, safe environments, and extra touches for comfort add to a better guest experience.
Smart home system technology can play a key role in adding value to your properties across all these areas. Start with efficiency. Many prospective tenants want to live in "green" buildings. Smart home technology that manages climate control and lighting can save tenants money and contribute to a healthier environment. Safety is another prime factor in keeping happier tenants. Smart security technology like intelligent surveillance and lighting makes for more secure properties.
Keep reading below to see how smart home system solutions can give your Atlanta, GA commercial properties the advantage over the competition.
SEE ALSO: Don’t Let Smart Technology Installation Slow Down Your Projects
Enhanced Common Areas
Common area amenities are a big point of differentiation in residential multi-dwelling units. Kitchens, party rooms, gyms, pools, and theater rooms can all add to the residential experience. Smart control can enhance the usability of these areas. Theater rooms can be automated with wall-mounted touch screen control for lights, movies, TV, and more. Simple presets can take the guesswork over how to get the room going with the right content.
In a gym, set up lighting scenes that work to motivate both night and day. Give guest leeway in adjusting the temperature for comfort, but keep overall central control schedules for lighting and climate that save energy when the area is not in use. Occupancy sensors can monitor room usage and keep things efficient with smart controls.
Enhance common areas with multizone speaker systems for music. Background music can add a relaxing ambiance to pool and garden areas. For an added bonus, allow for personal content to be streamed to speakers in a given area via Bluetooth, Apple Airplay, or Google Cast protocols. A clearly labeled wall-mounted touchscreen or keypad can offer one-button access for easy use.
In-Unit Smart Features
Smart technology can add the wow factor to an apartment or hotel room. In a hotel, replace manual window treatments with zone button control of motorized shades or draperies. Rather than complicated and inscrutable TV remote controls, add ways for guests to download an app for easy control of room AV features. Use smart lighting control to detect occupancy and automatically shut off lights and put climate control to eco-mode. For higher-end hotel rooms, replace multiple controls with a touchscreen that controls AV, lighting, climate, and window shades.
In apartments and condominiums, tenants and owners are just as interested in smart technology as in single-family dwellings. Consider adding smart thermostats, lighting, and motorized shading that work in concert to maintain both comfort and efficiency. Smart locks can ease entry and exit, and you can also consider building access based on smartphone apps rather than fobs that can be lost. Prewire units for in-wall speaker systems and offer packaged systems that can control multiple functions like AV, climate, lighting, locks, and motorized window treatments.
Smart Security
Everyone is interested in a safe environment. Smart lighting control can increase safety in building entrances, parking garages, and common areas. Use sensors to light up areas when motion is detected and save on energy when not needed. Smart security cameras can provide monitoring across common areas, entrances, garages, and more. Dangers detected by smoke and carbon monoxide sensors can not only sound an alarm but also send notifications to guests and tenants warning them of the specific threat and its location when tied into a smart monitoring solution.
Let Sunbelt Technology be your smart home system partner to add the edge to your Atlanta properties. Call us today at (404) 236-0007 or reach out on our online contact page. We look forward to working with you.